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Cover image courtesy of the gorgeous Zara Du Rose.

I’m excited to start sharing the monthly Elust roundups, including links to writing by some incredible sex workers and sex writers! I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading these as much as I did ♡

Elust is curated by Oz and, as he says, it’s the ‘only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month’ 😉

Here we go!!

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  • Eggs and Cream by Ramone Quides: I’m pretty much never going to say no to a good cuckolding story and this one definitely delivers the goods.
  • The Shower by For Your Heart Only: An incredibly sensual erotic short story and the perfect way to tease yourself.
  • Turnabout is Fair Play by Jasmine Gold: A kinky, smutty story that I swear was written just for me.
  • Bedroom Eyes 35 by Jerusalem Mortimer: Even more kinky Dom/sub goodness.
  • Sexy Thoughts #20: Reflection by The Big Gay Review: Some (very) sexy thoughts in light of it being International Masturbation Month!

Thoughts & Advice on Kink, Sex & Relationships

Sex Work

Product Reviews

Body Talk and Sexual Health

  • The Origin of Pain by LA Jayne: A very personal piece about the pain women often undergo at the whims of a flawed healthcare system.

State of the World

  • Everybody Knows by Hanna McKnight: A candid, quietly joyful piece of writing about the day-to-day realities of being a trans woman that pulls apart the concept of ‘passing’.

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Thank you for reading! To support sex workers and sex writers, make sure to click those links and enjoy 😘